Fwd: Request for Nominations - Young Technology Entrepreneurs: April 4 Deadline
Greetings Listers, Know anyone who is interested? Warm regards, Michael. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jillian Usagi <jillianausagi@yahoo.com> Date: 3 April 2013 14:33 Subject: Request for Nominations - Young Technology Entrepreneurs: April 4 Deadline To: "main@kipsang.com" <main@kipsang.com>, Ondari Mogeni <dmogeni@yahoo.com>, "mushiyid@yahoo.com" <mushiyid@yahoo.com>, "mercymasiza@gmail.com" < mercymasiza@gmail.com> DEAR ALL, Could any of you be knowing some entrepreneurs in Science and techlology? Please find below an opportunity from the us embassy. if you know any pls send them the below details and ask them to answer the questions and send them to me for forwarding to the us embassy by latest tomorrow afternoon. pls read all the way till last sentence. thanks Jillian Entrepreneur name(s): Contact Information: Venture name(s): Brief description of the startup(s): *For the purposes of this boot camp, we define Early and Growth Stage as (please respond to one, either ‘Early Stage or Growth Stage’ ):* *Early Stage: * Is venture is for-profit : Is your product or service in testing or pilot stage?: Has it generated some revenue?: How long have you been in business? : Do you have least one team member currently working full time with the venture?: Have you already received at least one round of financing from friends and family or other sources?: Have you demonstrated that customers will buy from you? *Growth Stage: * Is the product or service in production?: Is it commercially available?: Does the company demonstrate significant revenue growth (but may or may not be showing a profit)?: How long have you been in business?: Do you have a team working full time?: Would you now know whether your product or services is highly scalable?: Hi Jillian, I just received this email whose deadline is tomorrow, would you know any Kenyans out there who would benefit from the program. Take care, Halima *Subject:* Request for Nominations: Young Technology Entrepreneurs Hello Colleagues, I am delighted to let you know that the Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) initiative is organizing an *East Africa Regional Startup Boot Camp in Dar es Salaam on May 7-8, 2013*. This event assists 100 to 150 young science and technology entrepreneurs with developing skills, such as pitching their startups to investors, bringing together a good team to start their company, and accessing startup funding. Among our esteemed American speakers/mentors is *Jeff Hoffman, co-founder of Priceline.com*. This event will be similar to the highly successful GIST West Africa Regional Startup Boot Camp<http://gist.crdfglobal.org/docs/i-dare/senegal-brochure-web-version-july5-(2).pdf>held in Dakar last year. There are a number of travel scholarships available for participants from Kenya, Uganda, Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, and Ethiopia. *We would greatly appreciate your nominations of the most promising Early or Growth Stage tech startups from your network for possible participation in this event.* Please send the entrepreneur name(s) and contact information, the venture name(s), and a brief description of the startup(s) you would recommend for this event by COB Wednesday April 3rd. For the purposes of this boot camp, we define Early and Growth Stage as: Early Stage: - Your venture is for-profit - Your product or service in testing or pilot stage and may already generate some revenue - Usually in business less than three years - At least one team member is currently working full time with the venture - You may have already received at least one round of financing from friends and family or other sources - You have demonstrated that customers will buy from you Growth Stage: - Product or service is in production and commercially available - The company demonstrates significant revenue growth, but may or may not be showing a profit - Usually in business for between three and five years - Has a team working full time - You now know that your product or services is highly scalable Thank you very much for your assistance! We look forward to working with the excellent entrepreneurs from your countries. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best, Anna
participants (1)
Michael Bullut