ICTs-4-MDGs presentation

Attached is the presentation I made today at the "Poverty Reduction and ICT Workshop"....linking sustainable development concepts to the ICTs/Information Society. It was a quick review...so comments are very welcome. Regards, Wainaina -- Technical Coordinator, OKN Mobile Tel: +254-20-316800 Fax: +254-20-241920 http://www.oneworld.net http://www.openknowledge.net -------------------------------------------------------------------- BIASHARA 560: SMS the words BIASHARA ON to the number 560 from your Safaricom phone and you will receive regular business advice and information on discounts. Each tip will cost only seven shillings on your air time. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Winner of the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) Awards 2005 Runner up - Small Enterprise Exhibitor Award at the KEPSA Convention -------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalists of the 2004/5 APC Africa Hafkin Communications Prize Theme: "Community connectivity projects for economic development" http://www.apc.org/english/hafkin/2004/finalists.shtml?cmd[810]=x-797-30691 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Hello Ndugu Wainaina and Other Presenters accessible on this list: Many thanks for very stimulating presentation. It would help if other presenters also forwarded soft copies of their presentations to either cliff@arcc.or.ke or andrew@aitecafrica.com. Once the way forward is discussed and agreed, we'll revert. Best regards, Shem, ARCC -----Original Message----- From: kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke [mailto:kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke]On Behalf Of Wainaina Mungai Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:54 PM To: kictanet@kictanet.or.ke Cc: twillard@iisd.ca Subject: [Kictanet] ICTs-4-MDGs presentation Attached is the presentation I made today at the "Poverty Reduction and ICT Workshop"....linking sustainable development concepts to the ICTs/Information Society. It was a quick review...so comments are very welcome. Regards, Wainaina -- Technical Coordinator, OKN Mobile Tel: +254-20-316800 Fax: +254-20-241920 http://www.oneworld.net http://www.openknowledge.net --------------------------------------------------------------------

Andrew I decided to write a slightly expanded version of the comments I made yesterday on my experience with the Cura Community Project and its implications for policy. Here's the attachment. Regards Mike Eldon (See attached file: Cura poverty reduction and ICTs.doc) "Shem Ochuodho" <shem@arcc.or.ke> Sent by: To kictanet-bounces@ "Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet" kictanet.or.ke <kictanet@kictanet.or.ke> cc twillard@iisd.ca, 04/12/2005 10:55 povertyreduction@arcc.or.ke PM Subject RE: [Kictanet] ICTs-4-MDGs presentation Please respond to Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet <kictanet@kictane t.or.ke> Hello Ndugu Wainaina and Other Presenters accessible on this list: Many thanks for very stimulating presentation. It would help if other presenters also forwarded soft copies of their presentations to either cliff@arcc.or.ke or andrew@aitecafrica.com. Once the way forward is discussed and agreed, we'll revert. Best regards, Shem, ARCC -----Original Message----- From: kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke [mailto:kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke]On Behalf Of Wainaina Mungai Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:54 PM To: kictanet@kictanet.or.ke Cc: twillard@iisd.ca Subject: [Kictanet] ICTs-4-MDGs presentation Attached is the presentation I made today at the "Poverty Reduction and ICT Workshop"....linking sustainable development concepts to the ICTs/Information Society. It was a quick review...so comments are very welcome. Regards, Wainaina -- Technical Coordinator, OKN Mobile Tel: +254-20-316800 Fax: +254-20-241920 http://www.oneworld.net http://www.openknowledge.net -------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ kictanet mailing list kictanet@kictanet.or.ke http://kictanet.or.ke/mailman/listinfo/kictanet

Dear Mike, Thank you for sharing the Cura experience with all of us. On paper with the additional details it is even more impressive. It is interesting to note how ICT has been used as the entry point here and from where the rest of other initiatives flow. It is definitely sellable as a CSR model. All the Best Bella -----Original Message----- From: meldon@symphony.co.ke [mailto:meldon@symphony.co.ke] Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 1:52 PM To: Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet; andrew@aitecafrica.com Cc: Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet; kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke; povertyreduction@arcc.or.ke; twillard@iisd.ca Subject: RE: [Kictanet] ICTs-4-MDGs presentation Andrew I decided to write a slightly expanded version of the comments I made yesterday on my experience with the Cura Community Project and its implications for policy. Here's the attachment. Regards Mike Eldon (See attached file: Cura poverty reduction and ICTs.doc) "Shem Ochuodho" <shem@arcc.or.ke> Sent by: To kictanet-bounces@ "Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet" kictanet.or.ke <kictanet@kictanet.or.ke> cc twillard@iisd.ca, 04/12/2005 10:55 povertyreduction@arcc.or.ke PM Subject RE: [Kictanet] ICTs-4-MDGs presentation Please respond to Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet <kictanet@kictane t.or.ke> Hello Ndugu Wainaina and Other Presenters accessible on this list: Many thanks for very stimulating presentation. It would help if other presenters also forwarded soft copies of their presentations to either cliff@arcc.or.ke or andrew@aitecafrica.com. Once the way forward is discussed and agreed, we'll revert. Best regards, Shem, ARCC -----Original Message----- From: kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke [mailto:kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke]On Behalf Of Wainaina Mungai Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:54 PM To: kictanet@kictanet.or.ke Cc: twillard@iisd.ca Subject: [Kictanet] ICTs-4-MDGs presentation Attached is the presentation I made today at the "Poverty Reduction and ICT Workshop"....linking sustainable development concepts to the ICTs/Information Society. It was a quick review...so comments are very welcome. Regards, Wainaina -- Technical Coordinator, OKN Mobile Tel: +254-20-316800 Fax: +254-20-241920 http://www.oneworld.net http://www.openknowledge.net -------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ kictanet mailing list kictanet@kictanet.or.ke http://kictanet.or.ke/mailman/listinfo/kictanet

Dear Bella Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated. Any thoughts on how replication can be moved forward? (Given that our resources are stretched enough in Cura itself!) Regards Mike "Brightwater" <brightwater@afr icaonline.co.ke> To <meldon@symphony.co.ke>, "Kenya ICT 04/13/2005 02:45 Policy - kictanet" PM <kictanet@kictanet.or.ke>, <andrew@aitecafrica.com> cc "Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet" <kictanet@kictanet.or.ke>, <kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke>, <povertyreduction@arcc.or.ke>, <twillard@iisd.ca> Subject RE: [Kictanet] ICTs-4-MDGs presentation Dear Mike, Thank you for sharing the Cura experience with all of us. On paper with the additional details it is even more impressive. It is interesting to note how ICT has been used as the entry point here and from where the rest of other initiatives flow. It is definitely sellable as a CSR model. All the Best Bella -----Original Message----- From: meldon@symphony.co.ke [mailto:meldon@symphony.co.ke] Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 1:52 PM To: Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet; andrew@aitecafrica.com Cc: Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet; kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke; povertyreduction@arcc.or.ke; twillard@iisd.ca Subject: RE: [Kictanet] ICTs-4-MDGs presentation Andrew I decided to write a slightly expanded version of the comments I made yesterday on my experience with the Cura Community Project and its implications for policy. Here's the attachment. Regards Mike Eldon (See attached file: Cura poverty reduction and ICTs.doc) "Shem Ochuodho" <shem@arcc.or.ke> Sent by: To kictanet-bounces@ "Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet" kictanet.or.ke <kictanet@kictanet.or.ke> cc twillard@iisd.ca, 04/12/2005 10:55 povertyreduction@arcc.or.ke PM Subject RE: [Kictanet] ICTs-4-MDGs presentation Please respond to Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet <kictanet@kictane t.or.ke> Hello Ndugu Wainaina and Other Presenters accessible on this list: Many thanks for very stimulating presentation. It would help if other presenters also forwarded soft copies of their presentations to either cliff@arcc.or.ke or andrew@aitecafrica.com. Once the way forward is discussed and agreed, we'll revert. Best regards, Shem, ARCC -----Original Message----- From: kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke [mailto:kictanet-bounces@kictanet.or.ke]On Behalf Of Wainaina Mungai Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:54 PM To: kictanet@kictanet.or.ke Cc: twillard@iisd.ca Subject: [Kictanet] ICTs-4-MDGs presentation Attached is the presentation I made today at the "Poverty Reduction and ICT Workshop"....linking sustainable development concepts to the ICTs/Information Society. It was a quick review...so comments are very welcome. Regards, Wainaina -- Technical Coordinator, OKN Mobile Tel: +254-20-316800 Fax: +254-20-241920 http://www.oneworld.net http://www.openknowledge.net -------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ kictanet mailing list kictanet@kictanet.or.ke http://kictanet.or.ke/mailman/listinfo/kictanet
participants (4)
Shem Ochuodho
Wainaina Mungai