FWD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 14:56:40 +0300 [06:56:40 AM CDT] From: Hannah Slavik <hslavik@diplomacy.edu> To: alumni@diplomacy.edu Reply-To: hslavik@diplomacy.edu Subject: [alumni] part-time job opening {01} Part-time Job Opening – Editor / Web Writer Diplo is seeking an experienced, part-time editor / web writer willing to work flexible hours from home, wherever he or she is located. The editor / web writer will edit a variety of texts ranging from personal e-mails through project proposals to online course materials, correcting grammar and re-writing texts to improve clarity, proposing structural improvements, and pointing out problems with argumentation, if needed. The editor / web writing will also write short articles for the DiploFoundation website, and review and re-write existing web texts to improve communication with the public. For job details, information on requirements and how to apply, please see www.diplomacy.edu/display.asp?Topic=Job-Editor. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<FWD -- Best regards, Odhiambo WASHINGTON, Nairobi,KE +254733744121/+254722743223 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!" --from a /. post
participants (1)
Odhiambo Washington