Hey Waudo in Paris, You raise some interesting questions - which i had answered before but since the list has grown a lot in recent times, i can repeat. Your key question is whether the ideas, discussions and/or opinion shared in this space have any impact and more specifically if action is taken arising from the same. KICTAnet is a non-binding ICT Policy discussion platform for Academia, Media, Telcos, ICT Practitioners, Regulators, Government, etc. In other words, members are at liberty to float ideas, recommendations, promises, complaints without the risk of being crucified for it (only requirement being diplomacy ofcourse). Some may then argue, that the platform becomes a waste of time but the truth of the matter is that the non-binding nature presents opportunities to challenge status-quo and explore new thinking and opportunities in a non-formal (read constrained) environment. The ideas arising often stimulate self-declared action from members- some of which we never get to know about since by then the objective of 'sharing' would have been met. Nevertheless, I can tell you for sure that most of the recent activities within the ICT domain have been picked or sounded off the list. You may come across an article in the media that sprung off from the list - the user/beneficiary was a member within the Media category. Or you may find that a decision of a Telco or Regulator has been delayed/accelerated/modified after picking intelligence off the list, or a new training course or curricula created/modified arising from ideas from the list- the beneficiary ofcourse being Academia. More than that, I think it is just a great networking opportunity where new contacts are created leading to new opportunities that KICTAnet will never get to know about. That's the way I found KICTAnet when I registered 3years ago, and that's how I have been seeing it. walu, in Rongai, Kajiado ;-). --- On Tue, 6/24/08, waudo siganga <emailsignet@mailcan.com> wrote:
From: waudo siganga <emailsignet@mailcan.com> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Budget & ICT To: "John Walubengo" <jwalu@yahoo.com> Cc: "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 2:03 PM Hello Walu - When will you have the report of your last discussion on PPP? And will that be used somewhere and by who? My experience with discussions (and this is from a number of lists) is that some people with possible good ideas may not be motivated to contrribute if they feel their views have no chance of changing anything or making any difference.
On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 01:55:32 -0700 (PDT), "John Walubengo" <jwalu@yahoo.com> said:
hi Bill,
i owe u and others this belated reply. we have in store quite a number of suggested discussions planned as per the last communication - eCommerce (or now ICT?) Bill, Internet Governance, Kenyan ICT indicators, etc.
the truth of the matter is that we need more moderators so that we can share out this load. Any interested/prospective e-moderator is asked to email me their expression of interest (forward to jwalu@yahoo.com and NOT the list i.e dont jst hit reply since that will broadcas/spam your interest).
--- On Fri, 6/13/08, Bill Kagai <billkagai@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Bill Kagai <billkagai@gmail.com> Subject: [kictanet] Budget & ICT To: jwalu@yahoo.com Cc: "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> Date: Friday, June 13, 2008, 10:35 AM Walu, Why don't you start a debate on the budget and ICT; vs. Education vs Business vs Roads/Constructions...basically ICT in all sectors of the economy.
Any new opportunities??? at least to help us set benchmarks for 2008/9 we can use to measure if we succeeded or not...
-- Bildad Kagai MD - MediaCorp Limited Nairobi Stock Exchange Authorised Information Vendor Suite B2, Tetu Apartments, State House Avenue P. O. Box 20311 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel. 254 20 272 8332 Fax. Rendered Obsolete S - 1°17'13.8" E - 36°48'22.7" www.mediacorp.co.ke
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