Congratulations Andrea!
Kind regards,
Muchiri Nyaggah Principal Partner @muchiri +254 722 506400
Hey listers,
This is in shameless (and also quite excited) self promotion: After mighty dragon-fighting battles, my business partner Rachel Keeler and I are finally ready to go live with our new website:
All about African private equity and venture capital. We hope to make this the main online space for news, analysis, interviews, features etc on private equity in the continent. So far, we've had a very encouraging response, and will be the co-authors and co-publishers of Deloitte's next 2011 East Africa Private Equity Confidence Survey - out in early January.
It has by default plenty of African (digital) content, and it's a new Kenyan ICT venture, so I thought I could bug this list with it :) We're also very keen to do more coverage on ICT and telco related private equity/venture capital news, too, so any suggestions and updates would be appreciated.
Please keep checking back regularly as there'll be lots more new content. And feel free to email me back (maybe directly rather than to the whole list) with feedback, comments, suggestions - and if you want to be on our mailing list.
Have a lovely day,
Andrea Bohnstedt
+254 720 960 322
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