From my experience, the counties’ ICT Departments seem to lack the capacity or funding to implement ICT initiatives well. Even more importantly
they seem to struggle to coordinate with other departments in the County that could use ICT effectively. Hopefully the idea of taking PDTP to the County level can help overcome these issues: provide highly skilled talent in the ICT Departments and in the other
County Government Departments, whilst also providing job opportunities/talent pipeline for ICT graduates.
Another challenge is the procurement issues (politics, processes, budgets); particularly around maintaining or supporting ICT solutions
rather than just seeing them as a one-off.
On a positive note, some of the Counties do seem to have some very motivated and passionate ICT officers, they are just constrained by
the Department itself and its position in the County government hierarchy/resourcing.
From: kictanet []
On Behalf Of Ronald Ojino via kictanet
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2017 8:29 AM
To: Adam Lane <>
Cc: Ronald Ojino <>
Dear all,
Today's online discussion is on the topic: ICT in the counties. Lets kindly share our experience on challenges and opportunities based on the
following questions :
To what extent are county governments adopting ICTs?
What are the bottlenecks faced ICT entrepreneurs at county level?
What are those positive or negative experiences that we can learn from?
How can counties better respond to needs of the ICT community?
Lets engage,
Best regards,
Ronald Ojino.
Faith is a living and unshakable confidence. A belief in God so assured that a man would die a
thousand deaths for its sake.