On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 1:45 PM, robert yawe <robertyawe@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Definitely with a rate of US$ 400 per hour it definitely is prime time for the partners in that group, maybe Airtel can mucky the waters by offering a competing product at $1/- per hour.
Now all we need to do is leverage the technology to sort out the issue of over crowding in our primary schools and soon our National schools.
If one presenter in Nairobi can present to audiences in Amsterdam, New York, Paris and Istanbul having the same replicated in Karachuonyo, Moyale and Chepalungu should be a synch or is it?
Robert, Perhaps you should wait until the govt finalizes on the plans to roll out 4G/LTE platform, then we can start discussing the possibility of the options raised by you? To use your own examples, do you suppose there is 3G in Moyale? Is there WiMax in Chepalungu? Broadband (forget 3G in this case as it only works well when there is no voice traffic) connectivity is still very wanting in KE. You should not be overexcited about this. -- Best regards, Odhiambo WASHINGTON, Nairobi,KE +254733744121/+254722743223 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Damn!!