What's the regulator's (CBK in this case) position on hosting of financial transaction data on overseas servers?
Kind regards,
Muchiri Nyaggah Director @muchiri +254 722 506400 Semacraft.com
On 3/5/11 7:38 AM, Betty Mwangi wrote:
> Thanks Solomon
> Indeed there was an outage on M-PESA last evening whereby the
> connectivity between the local servers and the database in Germany
> temporarily failed. This was resolved last evening and apologies for the
> inconvenience
>From a technical stand-point the statement above can be easily
interpreted as a technically flawed design IMHO. It almost states that
the M-PESA services are "entirely" dependent on connectivity to Germany.
I doubt if this is the case and you may want to clarify. If it is the
case - i have to say its quite a challenge on your hands to provide an
efficient service for a local service that depends on international
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