Listers I like the spirit and the balanced issue based discussion which continues with an underlying theme of how MJ acted on prevailing environment or as Gilda posited on day 2 that – ‘he was smart enough to take advantage of the situation during his tenure’ ... to create the results we see We all have one common resource which is an equalisation factor – time . MJ has 24 hrs in a day like you and me ( Kanja suggested that MJ works for 10 hrs!!). Within those 24 hrs I have seen him respond to my emails within 2 hrs. That of course must be one among many other emails he answered, letters he read, calls he answered or originated, people he talked to etc. Of course there must be many people wanting his time - customers, government , suppliers, friends, great upcoming events like Classical music etc. Could the management of this resource be the defining factor? What formula did he use? Can we port the formula to other budding CEOs with similar results? Any lessons for others? In short when you last saw his diary even an old one, how did it look it.......? cheers Muriuki Mureithi