Ory, These are their contact details; Stephen Mutoro *Secretary General* Consumers Federation of Kenya (COFEK) Natu Court, Block F-45 Ngong Road/Ring Rd Kilimani Junction P.O Box 2733-00200, City Square, NAIROBI, Kenya Tel. 254-20-3861718, 3861719, 2300859 Fax. 254-20-3861719 Cellphones: 0715555550, 0736965590, 0770700007 E-mail: hotline@cofek.co.ke Website: www.cofek.co.ke ************************* On 25 August 2011 07:50, Solomon Mbũrũ Kamau <solo.mburu@gmail.com> wrote:
His name is Stephen Mutoro.
On 25/08/2011, Ory Okolloh <ookolloh@gmail.com> wrote:
Anyone from COFEK on the list? Trying to get the Sec General's email address so I can send an invitation to an event their way.
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