If you develop apps, host content, or build technology products people use in Kenya, you probably have to store and protect some potentially sensitive information about your customers. You might have to respond to government requests for access to that data. You may even face pressure to remove content.
Essentially, this means that when people access your services, you are responsible for their privacy, security and free expression.
This is a big responsibility – and it carries risks. If you get it wrong, your users are unlikely to stay with you; and you might even face legal action.
But it’s also an opportunity. In this one-day workshop, co-hosted by Facebook and Global Partners Digital, we’ll show you how respecting the privacy, security and free expression of your users can actually give your business a crucial competitive edge – and offer practical, step-by-guide guidance on how you can do it.
You can take a look at the guide and topics that will be trained on during the workshop.
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