Here is my
first attempt to the agenda
1. Forum Objectives
articulate the purpose of the forum and the expected outputs, this is important
so that we can have a focussed discussion”
2. Association presentations
presentations by the associations sharing their mandate, governance, objectives,
activities, achievements, plans and membership composition”
3. General Discussion
Answers, Concerns etc raising from the association presentations@
4. Way forward
discussion on how associations could collaborate and offer high quality
leadership to the sector. Agree on joint activities that have a national appeal
that can work as bonding sessions”
From: Brian Longwe []
Sent: 15 July 2008 13:01
Cc: kictanet-lists
Subject: [kictanet] Agenda Bashing - Kenya ICT Stakeholders Forum
Hi all,
So let's start off with a few days of throwing around possible agenda areas.
This hould give us a sense of what issues have high priority and how much time
we need to set aside to deal with them.
I would suggest that we have a freestyle discussion - send your proposals as a
title with a short paragraph describing the point - then other (or yourself)
can contribute add/subtract.
Then after a reasonable period we can coalesce these inputs into a single
agenda for the meeting and also decide on what format would best suit the
dialogue/debate on thiat particular item.
e.g. for the different ICT organisations I think a Panel format, where each
group gets 15 minutes to "share" - then the audience gets a chance to
"interact" - and a session moderator does a wrap up.
another thing that I think would be good is to have an "Open Mic"
session where for a period of time any participant can air/vent any view for 3
any other suggestions?
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