Broadband is wide bandwidth data transmission which transports multiple signals and traffic types. The medium can be coaxial cable, optical fiber, radio or twisted pair. In the context of Internet access, broadband is used to mean any high-speed Internet access that is always on and faster than dial-up access over traditional analog or ISDN PSTN services.
Based on the definition above what is the broadband coverage in Kenya and what is the Universal Service Fund of the Communications Authority doing to ensure Kenyans are not disenfranchised? My own thumb suck estimation is that Broadband coverage in this country stands at less than 10%. And I'm being generous.
Most of us know this. Beyond the major towns, there is almost no connectivity to speak of. How is this impacting citizens? We know for example that today you can hardly transact with the govt without online services. Most Kenyans don't have access to computers let alone Smart Phones. And when you have a Smart Phone try connecting to eCitizen. A visit to the dentist is less painful.
According to the latest Communications Authority Statistics, The data/Internet market in the country remained vibrant during the period under review. As at 31st December 2018, the total number of active data/Internet subscriptions stood at 45.7 million of which 47.9 percent were on broadband. Consider those numbers and then consider the population of this country. And then ask yourself how reliable these statistics are. I leave it here.
The impact of accessibility or lack thereof of Broadband in today's world cannot be gainsaid. We must have an executable plan in this country to ensure the disenfranchised are brought on board.
Ali Hussein
AHK & Associates
Tel: +254 713 601113
Twitter: @AliHKassim
Skype: abu-jomo
13th Floor , Delta Towers, Oracle Wing,
Chiromo Road, Westlands,
Nairobi, Kenya.
_______________________________________________Dear Listers,
As notified last week, we are conducting an assessment on the state of play and impact of broadband in Kenya, broadly looking at the socio-economic impact on consumers, businesses and various sectors like agriculture, education, healthcare, finance and government.
We are looking at real life examples of impact of broadband, challenges we face in increasing impact of broadband and recommendations on interventions needed to address the challenges identified.
For this discussion, we define broadband as any fast internet. Fast enough to serve your intended purpose. We can have an extended definition through the discussion.
Some of the questions we should answer are:
- What is the current state of broadband in Kenya? What is the current coverage of broadband in Kenya? Do you have broadband internet in your area? How affordable is the available broadband?
- What barriers are there in increasing impact of broadband in Kenya?
- What recommendations can counter the barriers identified in increasing impact of broadband?
Looking forward to a grrat debate.
Sincerely,______________________Mwendwa Kivuva
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