[image: image.png] Dear Listers, This is an event that we would encourage you to prioritise this week. *KICTANet Thought Leadership Series* *Date: Thursday 24 February 2022 | Time: 9:00am – 11:30am, via Zoom <https://us06web.zoom.us/webi%20onnar/register/WN_00gjJhWoQ1WoMV9fYxtqtw>Theme: “Prioritizing Privacy: What Next for the ODPC and the ICT Sector?* The main objectives of the meeting are to promote multistakeholder engagement of ICT stakeholders on privacy and data protection in Kenya; and, to identify and build consensus on priority actions and strategies to enable the ODPC and ICT stakeholders to promote greater privacy and data protection in 2022. The key recommendations from the meeting shall be consolidated into a policy brief which shall be shared with stakeholders. Kindly register using the link below: https://bit.ly/3s15D5k *Kind Regards,* *David Indeje *