You can pay using Debit cards from Equity, KCB, Cooperative or National (VISA). The issie is that most of these which are standard ATMs  are normally disabled for online use by dedault due to fraud issues arising from low user awareness of what their cards can be up to. You can call the cardcentre to enable the card though, temporarily or permanently.

As for WhatsApp, guess they do not understand how the card market works in developing countries, hence their oversight.

On Nov 29, 2012 7:53 AM, "Cecilia Matanga" <> wrote:
Dear all

I had a very interesting conversation with my mum yesterday, she
wanted to know how she can purchase the whatsapp service since her
free trial expires in two weeks time. She says from her handset there
are 2 options google wallet and paypal. Of course she has no idea what
both are to start with.

I don't know how many of you are using this app. But in my village its
becoming a popular application with most people having changed
handsets to ensure they have whatsapp enabled ones. The reason being
its cheaper to send messages using whatsapp. Actually the other day I
heard the radio DJ asking people to whatsapp their opinions too!

As of yesterday most profile status changed to 'error: user
unavailable'. This has caused so much panic in the whatsapp community
and I am  sure if you are on whatsapp you have by now received this
chain email asking you to send to 18 users to prove you are an active

Based on those two incidents, I am wondering is there a defined model
of payment for this service taking into account that most users do not
have paypal, Google wallet or even a credit card. Most of us have been
buying data bundles so we can access this application( and I am sure
contributing a lot to the internet usage statistics). Now with these
expiration looming has anyone thought of assisting those who may have
the USD$2 to purchase the service.

Cecilia Matanga
Programme Officer
Africa i-Parliaments Action Plan
Nairobi - Kenya
Mobile        : +254-718568154
Telephone : +254-20-374 9892/3
Fax             : +254-20-374 9894

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