
Apologies for cross-posting.

There has been a lot of hullabaloo about Net Neutrality. The main proponents have been the two divides: Content Producers (Facebook, Google etc) and pure play Infrastructure players like AT&T, Vodafone etc. (By the way as things go now there are no longer pure play infrastructure and content producers as these players prepare themselves for a changing regulatory environment) 

Hardly any blip from major advertisers like P&G, Unilever etc. 

In Kenya of course busybodies like myself :) are very passionate about it and have talked ourselves hoarse about it. This was the very reason why we in Kenya didn't sign the ITRs in Dubai at WCIT12 (that's another story for another day). It seems now that the chickens are coming home to roost and the 'Reactionary' (allow me this creative license to name them thus) of the old world order (read Old Telco Hegemony) are reasserting their influence and projecting their power.

This in my humble opinion CANNOT auger well for content Startups in our neck of the woods.

What gives? Is it that these players find this topic too boring? Or has no impact on them? 

I suggest they change their attitudes..and fast!

Ali Hussein

+254 0770 906375 / 0713 601113

"I fear the day technology will surpass human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots".  ~ Albert Einstein

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