Joe, Judy et. al. Please excuse the length of my response but I fear our common want for brevity (to avoid information overloads:-) too often compromises on thoroughness especially for those inclined to attention to detail and on an issue so dear. I have borrowed some info from the Kenya Linux "skunkworks" mailing list. Many thanks. Alex Joseph Manthi <> wrote:
How can East Africans be excited by being given something that is absolutely >free to everyone else throughout the world.
Not exactly! though and understandably, early Gmail adapters we may be excused for taking it granted. <snip> "As is Google's practice, the company has not said when the beta period will end, but Gogh said the company is working on a "premium version" of Google Apps for Education for which there will be a charge. <snip> Allow me to elaborate further because cost or "free" is at the core. *Suppose* one wants 200 Kenya schools (Internauts clubs) to have have web presence calling for ".ke" domain registrations and hosting services. AFAIK end user registration cost for every .ke domain is shs 3,500/= (or US$ 50.00), annual domain budget thus would be ksh 700,000/= or US$ 10,000.00. The cheapest local annual hosting per domain is kshs 5,000/= or US$ 70 thus for 200 domains I would have to budget for 1 million shillings which is over US$ 14,000.00. Besides an annual saving of 1.7 million being a compelling enough reason to be interested in google support, they offer free online support services to educational institutions. I would also save on ISPs "maintenance fees" and use of free google templates would save on website developments costs. Going by Gmail's success at nabbing spam, parents would be more comfortable instructing google to filter undesirable content. Would these would be reason enough for me to contemplate google support for the 200 schools? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- [Canarie News] Date: Jan 3, 2007 6:32 PM Subject: [CAnet - news] More universities switch to Google mail and calendar services [Here is another example following UoArizona of how universities and enterprises are switching to e-mail and other services offered by Google and Amazon (for grid services), etc. In fact Mark Gaynor predicted this trend several years ago in a seminal paper "The Real Options Approach to Network-based Service Architecture" where he argued that as innovative applications matured on the Internet they would migrate from an edge based services to a centrally managed service. At the time, most of us thought that the telephone company would be the natural supplier of such services - but they have been largely displaced in that market by companies like Google, Amazon, etc. Of course, as more universities and institutions move to Google and Amazon for these types of services it may have a major impact on the research network architectures i.e having your own dedicated network pipe to the nearest Google, Amazon server complex. Thanks to Rene Hatem and André Quenneville for this pointer. Some excerpts from the IT business article -- BSA] Mark Gaynor's paper: IT Business article *Server crash spurs Lakehead to speed up Gmail rollout* *Staff switch over more than 38,000 e-mail accounts in three days* The university in Thunder Bay, Ont., knew it needed a new e-mail system and had spent several months looking at alternatives before settling on the online application suite from Mountain View, Calif.-based Google Inc. Lakehead switched over 38,000 e-mail accounts to Google Gmail in three days, with almost no interruption to service. Google also helped out with some extra customer support during the high-pressure changeover, though Kevin Gogh, enterprise product manager at Google, said there was "nothing that (reached) extraordinary levels." Besides replacing Lakehead's tottery old e-mail system, the conversion brought some added benefits. Because it is getting the whole suite for no charge and it is entirely hosted by Google rather than on university hardware, the university expects to save $2 million to $3 million a year on maintenance and about $6 million annually on infrastructure. And, Jafri said, students, staff and faculty now get 2GB each of storage space, versus 60MB with the old system. In addition, he expects Google to deliver 99 per cent availability. "It's very hard for us to get to that level of availability." Now fully operational on Gmail, Lakehead still has some work to do on other aspects of the conversion. This month, the university will be converting from an ageing in-house calendaring system to the Web calendaring facility included in Google Apps. The suite also includes a Web chat capability, and the company will probably add other features, Gogh said. "Our goal with Google Apps for Education is to provide a very rich set of communication tools." The suite has been available free of charge under a beta program since late summer, he said, and universities and colleges that adopt it during that beta period will never have to pay. As is Google's practice, the company has not said when the beta period will end, but Gogh said the company is working on a "premium version" of Google Apps for Education for which there will be a charge. [skunkworks] Please look up this link: <> Question: "will Google be bringing in some servers to cache this offering locally ? Coz otherwise it just increases the cost for the university - they have to buy more satellite bandwidth to access the apps remotely." Google Answer: "Thanks for all the comments. Suffice it to say that both of Riyaz's concerns (see comment #1) are being addressed so no worries there." ----ends----- Joseph Manthi <> wrote: How can East Africans be excited by being given something that is absolutely free to everyone else throughout the world. I can get into these apps without any special previleges. You know what they say - you pay for what you get. In this case is giving UoN and other colleges nothing that anyone else does not already have. On 4/14/07, Judy Okite <> wrote: Joe, I hope that this links will give you a better insight,in regards to your question. Kind Regards, On 4/10/07, <> wrote: Members How is this different from anywhere else in the whole wide world. These tools that seem to be exciting people is available to anyone who can access anywhere in the world. How is this a benefit to these colleges? Joe Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry -----Original Message----- From: "Judy Okite" <> Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:14:45 To:Joseph Manthi <> Subject: [kictanet] Fwd: [Idlelo2] Google and East african Universities This really looks good ! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dapo Ladimeji < > Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2007 16:04:08 +0100 Subject: [Idlelo2] Google and East african Universities To: East African universities to gain from web tools deal The deal will give more students access to communication technologies Kimani Chege 26 March 2007 Source: SciDev.Net [NAIROBI] A software deal signed between universities in East Africa and the US-based internet giant Google will improve access to web-based communications for staff and students. Under the deal, Rwanda's government ministries and three Rwandan universities the National University of Rwanda, the Kigali Institute for Education and the Kigali Institute for Science and Technology as well as Kenya's University of Nairobi (UoN) will have free access to Google Apps. The applications include email, shared calendars, instant messaging and word processing software, along with the associated support services provided by the corporation. The deal, signed last week (19 March), looks set to improve internal communications at UoN and facilitate research, particularly for studies undertaken in remote areas. The head of information and communication technology at UoN, Elijah Omwenga, says the email application Gmail will be particularly useful in reducing the bandwidth required for internal communications by its 50,000 students and staff. He told SciDev.Net that the institution was facing major challenges in acquiring enough bandwidth. "This means our students and staff can access mail from the campuses as well as from outside. This will facilitate communicating all research, even when it is being done in remote areas," said Omwenga. However, he called for Google to come up with specific details of the offer, so that Google and the UoN can develop research schemes geared towards Africa's needs such as developing software in local languages and making it more relevant to the local audience. About 20,000 users in Rwanda will have access to Google Apps in the first phase. This will be followed by a broader countrywide introduction. Students at UoN will be the first to use Google Apps in Kenya. Software access will then be extended to 150,000 Kenyan students at universities across the country. A Google spokesperson told the International Data Group News Service, "We are exploring other opportunities in both countries, and throughout the region as well." *Related SciDev.Net articles:* Zambia announces ICT training centre for scientists <> Web 2.0 can benefit the world's poor <> ICT for development: hope or hype? <> *Related links:* University of Nairobi <> National University of Rwanda <> *Photo Credit:* SciDev.Net/Tonks *Dossiers:* Technology Transfer <> Back to news <> To the top <> Print Format <> Email Article <javascript:emaillink()> Comment <javascript:comments()> Regional Gateways World Map * Latin America <> * Sub-saharan Africa < > * Middle-East & North Africa <> * South Asia < > * China <> * South-East Asia <> Dossiers * Agri-Biotech <> * Biodiversity < > * Bird Flu <> * Brain Drain <> * Climate Change <> * Desert Science < > * Ethics of Research <> * HIV/AIDS <> * Indigenous Knowledge <> * Intellectual Property <> * Malaria <> * Research and Development <> * Technology Transfer <> Quick Guides * Genomics < > * Nanotechnology <> * Science Publishing < > FREE SciDev.Net Newsfeed *Would you like to carry SciDev.Net stories on your website? 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