Dear All,
The following questions were written down on papers and I hope they are answered for inclusion in the final report.
1. (Safaricom) Why is the cost of migration from one tariff to another quite high? It costs 200/= to migrate from one tariff to another whereas the cost of a new line is kshs 100/=. Is the cost barrier meant to limit my rights of choiuce as concerns tariffs
2. (Both) What is the basis for wireless fidelity i.e is it the same as GPRS?
3. (Both) Even though there may be no clear cause & effect studies on health impact of radiation from cell phones, there are important developments which should be researched on or followed up by mobile companies & information disseminated to the user public e.g. Types of phones which emit more or less radiation or benefits of attaching radiation raducing gadgets to cell phones
4.(Both) What is the economic impact of placing base stations in residential areas? Is there adequate compensation for home ownerss and the community residents? Is there education on possible health impacts of these masts?
5.(Both) Consumer Studies: Never been involved in any. Who do they interview and where are the findings and results posted or how are these shared? What is the result of these studies? How are services improved for example?
6.(Both) Evolution to 3G:
        (a)  What are the operators doing on this?. What will they do to make sure they do not   pass the costs to the consumer? 
        (b) Whay is it taking so long to evolve to 3G?
The answers may be posted to this forum for Muriuki Mureithi, Dr. Waema, and Walubengo to include their responses in the final report.
Thank you.
Alex Gakuru

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