Hey folks,

I don't think that the issue here is representation. What matter most is whether the Task Force can deliver or not. I know most of them on a personal level and I am sure:
1)  that they can deliver
2) that in the past they have used an inclusive approach in setting up African institutions e.g. AfriNIC and AFTLD
3) that they have the experience, networks and foresight to thoroughly prepare a winning proposal
4) that issues related to gender, regional representation etc will definitely be addressed

my two cents,


On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Grace Mutung'u (Bomu) <nmutungu@gmail.com> wrote:
Why  specifically the three countries?( Nigeria, South Africa and Egypti)
No 06 is South African.
On representation, seems there is only one woman No 13 from Mali....

2010/11/12 Nnenna Nwakanma <nnenna@nnenna.org>
Just tweeted my initial reaction.
I see zero representation from Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt on the Task Force.


Nnenna Nwakanma |  Founder and CEO, NNENNA.ORG  |  Consultants
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