Harry, Its a simple case of people wanting to reap without sowing, which is why you have a government. We all know the benefits of wearing seat belts but do you think the directive would have been implemented if it was not for the government pushing it through. A sudden and total shut down of all perpetrators is the only way that we can provide solid grounding on technology use, its only now that I appreciate the standards based training I took on Apple Works 2.0. The good grounding has seen be transition to today able to utilise over 20% of all the productivity tools. The mediocre training taking place is a cancer that will stagnate the entire region, it needs radical intervention, now. Regards Dr. Ndemo does not need to keep justifying he position let him use the rod or risk spoiling the child further. Robert Yawe KAY System Technologies Ltd Phoenix House, 6th Floor P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200 Kenya Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696 ________________________________ From: Harry Hare <harry@africanedevelopment.org> To: Bobby Yawe <robertyawe@yahoo.co.uk> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> Sent: Fri, 6 August, 2010 7:41:45 Subject: Re: [kictanet] ICDL - I apologise(RESTRICTED ACCESS) Good people, Reading Walu’s email, seems like you are both proposing a solution to the “wrong” problem. Money is not the issue, the issue is “resistance to change”. So I think we should solve that problem before creating another one. If there is resistance it means there is no “buy-in”. If there is no “buy-in” it means the group that is resisting are not fully aware of the potential and the benefits that the proposed project has. I would propose a non-techy approach to communicate the benefits of the project to the old chaps, you need to address their fears and concerns – show the business value, continuity and the wins - otherwise they will through a spanner in the works even if you got money to implement...and that’s from experience. And congratulations to all Kenyans for ushering Kenya 2.0 Cheers Harry On 8/5/10 1:11 PM, "Bobby Yawe" <robertyawe@yahoo.co.uk> wrote: Hi Walu,
It is good to know that there is a push to resolve this issue.
My proposal would be to have the software developed by a private entity which would then do a revenue share with KASNEB whose main resistance is based on a fear of loosing their traditional income streams which is examination fees.
Lets look at raising angle funds for anyone who can come up with an online testing software that can equal or even rival the likes of smartforce, ICT-Board does not have the capacity to handle such an undertaking as they are more of a procurement agency.
Dr. Ndemo, we seriously need to enforce legislation otherwise all we shall keep loosing our edge as an outsourcing destination. Maybe having the issue of ICT proficiency should be spearheaded by the Ministry of Youth who I believe are now responsible for the village polytechnics. As higher education has dropped the ball on this one.
Robert Yawe KAY System Technologies Ltd Phoenix House, 6th Floor P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200 Kenya
Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696
________________________________ From:Walubengo J <jwalu@yahoo.com>
To: bitange@jambo.co.ke; Paul Kukubo <pkukubo@ict.go.ke>; robert yawe <robertyawe@yahoo.co.uk> Sent: Sat, 31 July, 2010 9:50:08 Subject: Fw: ICDL - I apologise(RESTRICTED ACCESS)
Ndemo, Paul, Yawe
I do sit on a sub-committee of the KASNEB board and for the last 9mths we were tasked to create (replicate) a local version of ICDL. This sub-committee completed its task by way of reviewing the ICDL course outlines with a view to including kenyan contexts. Further the sub-committee recommended the creation (software development) of an electronic testing platform (again along the lines of ICDL) where the exam is booked, administered and marked electronically. Such a software would cost money, software engineering skills and time.
But that is NOT the problem since I believe the "skunk-works" can do this type of software if given the money and the time. The biggest challenge has been what I would call (soft-resistance) from the KASNEB full-board in going forward with this project. Whereas the CEO (relatively ICT savvy) wants to go full blast with the project, the (older) members of the Board correctly realise that such an electronic examination system would totally disrupt their existing manual examining model that they have been accustomed to over the last 40yrs that KASNEB has existed...(hence the resistance to change)
And so here comes my proposal...get funding from Kenya ICT Board, get software engineers from skunkworks to do the electronic examination system, and get KASNEB to "adopt" this e-system to administer their local "ICDL" type of examinations...this way we knock down the resistance to change barrier from the older KASNEB board members - who may actually embrace the system once they see a workable model....
Furthermore, the electronic examination system would pay for itself within a year from the money thousands of potential students would pay to sit the exam (IAT has 3,000 ICDL candidates per year, MMU has about 400, not counting Computer pride and others, you have a potential market of 5,000 candidates to sit this local exam at even half the price ICDL (ksh3,500) is asking for...
any takers? walu.
--- On Fri, 7/30/10, bitange@jambo.co.ke <bitange@jambo.co.ke> wrote:
From: bitange@jambo.co.ke <bitange@jambo.co.ke> Subject: Re: [kictanet] ICDL - I apologise To: jwalu@yahoo.com Cc: "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> Date: Friday, July 30, 2010, 3:03 PM
Robert, We are still fighting the resistance from the colleges. There must be some examining body to ensure that the sylabbus is covered and the student can make good use of the training. Unfortunately, in this country we want to make money at the expense of our unsuspecting sisters and brothers.
I would like to apologise to Dr. Ndemo for giving the impression that his team had not done their homework when they recommended that ICDL be the official computer proficiency certification.
As is said it is only after you have walked in a man's shoes can you then criticise him, I recently looked at a training manual from one of the local computer colleges that was 10 pages long and covered word, excel, powerpoint, access, frontpage and IE. The exam for each subject was done after 1 day of training, in the case of word it included mailmerge.
Each application was covered on less than 2 pages and the entire course takes 10 days, Dr. Ndemo the sooner you can operationalise the ICDL issue the sooner students will stop loosing money to quacks and we shall return to the point of making computer users truly IT proficient.
Regards Robert Yawe KAY System Technologies Ltd Phoenix House, 6th Floor P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200 Kenya
Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696
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