Over the last year there has been concerted efforts to curb Internet Freedoms and the number one reason behind this is 'National Security'. Many countries have regressed. However according to the Business Daily,
which sites various sources, Kenya remains an island of freedom when it comes to the Internet.
'...Of the 14 African countries included in the sample, only Kenya and South Africa were considered to have complete
Internet freedom.'
I believe this has come to pass because of forward thinking Government officials in the ICT space and vocal non governmental players like KICTANET. What we must ensure is that we assist the government to enable the balance between national security and personal
freedoms to continue.
Ali Hussein
+254 0770 906375 / 0713 601113
"Kujikwaa si kuanguka,
bali ni kwenda mbele" (To stumble is not to fall but a sign of going forward) - Swahili Proverb
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