On Mar 7, 2007, at 4:56 PM, John Walubengo wrote:
Here is the IT angle - isn't it time their website www.kenyapolice.go.ke gave the Citizens the correct position regarding Police Procedures for Civil/Criminal offence? I mean I never knew a traffic offence could earn you 1-night accomodation with General Ali's (the Police Commissioner) guests. Further more, when are those so called Tamper-proof Driving Licences going to hit the market?
Hi John, Thanks for sharing (in your v. pleasant style) your experience. Actually I think you are letting us off a bit easily by only suggesting procedures be on the Police website. I would go a bit further. Every Mobile Police Unit and/or Traffic stop have a functional laptop with wireless access to various databases: - IDs / Passports/ Work Permits / Visa - Driving License - Car Registration - Criminal Records Database That way by simply running a couple of simple queries they would immediately know whether you are worthy of being offered free accomodation. Regards, Mblayo ---------- Brian Longwe +254(0) 20 445 2327 - t Chief Executive Officer +254(0) 722 518744 - m InHand Limited +254(0) 733 518744 - m M3, Westlands Court, +254(0) 20 374 7881 - f Westlands Close, Westlands Rd. www.inhand.co.ke P.O. Box 30054-00100 SIP: 30753274@sip.epygi.com Nairobi, Kenya