I fully concur with Catherine. If there is a problem to be addressed, let us raise it up in a manner that is acceptable and diplomatic. There is no need to go to the level of character assassination because we don't agree on some issues. When some comments were raised during the day, I froze, not knowing whether to continue as a lister on this forum or pull out. It is only after realizing pulling out will give the character 'assasinators' have a field day. My opinion is to make the group focus on the relevance of ICT Policy issues instead of anything some people feel it is good. Interestingly, these allegations come only a day after the EAI-GF and the originators of the information, did not even take part in the forum! On 10/09/2009, Catherine Adeya <elizaslider@yahoo.com> wrote:
I am equally concerned and have come in at the tail-end when I heard what was going on in Kicatnet (actually offline in various ICT fora). I have had a chance to catch up on emails and I am shocked and equally disgusted. I had thought I should not reply but hey....I know it is a challenge for you as the moderator but my advice to all is to stick to ICT issues, if you cannot you really should be struck from this list.
We have had many healthy and useful debates, let us not degrade the great opportunity we have to interact on this online forum. There are many countries where this would not be allowed, however productive and innocent it was. Let us not abuse our opportunities. KICTANET has been used as a model in many parts of Africa, and there is still room for it......personality issues MUST NOT BE ALLOWED! Please respect this space....I do understand Consumers must have a voice but do put your issues in appropriate language and stick to the issues.....if it high cost of the Internet....just say so and let others give suggestions etc.
________________________________ From: "jwalubengo@mmu.ac.ke" <jwalubengo@mmu.ac.ke> To: elizaslider@yahoo.com Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:58:21 PM Subject: Re: [kictanet] Time Out!
I am equally shocked at the amount of venom we can emit online in such a short time. As the moderator of the list, I have had to suspend Onyango Hatari's posts (which are all queued up for delivery but after I screen them). So Onyango Hatari plse just hold your horses.
I must also confess that we are yet to constitute a fool-proof mechanism that could match online identities to physical real-life identities - that way people would be more accountable to what they say (the recent Kenyan judicial ruling on someone who send a defamatory SMS (text message) being a notable legal precedent for all us)
Having said that, lets all be diplomatic, where a Diplomat has been once defined as someone who can tell you to go to hell and you actually look forward to taking the trip ;-) In other words, there are ways in which we can disagree without getting (digitally) physical. Otherwise all these online forums would lose their value that has been widely acclaimed as a role model for multi-stakeholder, bottom-up, consultative processes.
regards, walu. nb: not sure why my regular jwalu@yahoo.com not working.
My internet teacher at AVU taught me one thing. When you are chatting or mailing anyone you have not met, assume he is a dog. So I assume you are a Dog and I hope that you do the same way
-----Original Message----- From: billkagai@gmail.com Sent: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 12:12:31 +0300 To: onyango@inbox.com Subject: Re: [kictanet] Kenya: Consumers furious over high internet prices
Alex, Don't beat around the bush.
1. Have you met Onyango Hatari in person?? 2. Do you have his contacts?? 3. Are you Onyango Hatari??
Call me....0724226600 we discuss this matter. We need to straighten this matter!!!!
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Gakuru Alex <alexgakuru.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
Bill, your remark as it stands right here borders on something already illegal.... Please take note.
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Bill Kagai <billkagai@gmail.com> wrote:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are missing the point here. Clearly, 'Onyango Hatari' does not exist and is just a pseudonym for someone we know quite well on this list who prefers to spew hatred using a different email address. This matter in no longer on 'consumers' rights'.
I would encourage Michael Joseph to report to the nearest police station for investigations to commence with a view of suing for libel because this is clear defamation. The Chairman of the ICT Consumers Association should be one of the respondents 'to assist police with investigations' since he seems to be the only one who knows the true identity of one Onyango Hatari. Or is there anyone in this list who has actually interacted with Onyango Hatari???
-- Bildad Kagai MD - MediaCorp Limited Nairobi Stock Exchange Authorised Information Vendor Suite B2, Tetu Court, State House Avenue P. O. Box 20311 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel. 254 20 272 8332 Fax. Rendered Obsolete S - 1°17'13.8" E - 36°48'22.7" www.mediacorp.co.ke ---
-- Bildad Kagai MD - MediaCorp Limited Nairobi Stock Exchange Authorised Information Vendor Suite B2, Tetu Court, State House Avenue P. O. Box 20311 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel. 254 20 272 8332 Fax. Rendered Obsolete S - 1°17'13.8" E - 36°48'22.7" www.mediacorp.co.ke ---
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-- Solomon Mburu P.O. Box 19343 - 00202 Nairobi Cell: (+254-0) 735 431041 Man is a gregarious animal and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way to the side of a hill! AND It is better to die in dignity than in the ignomity of ambiguous generosity! blog: http://desires-and-dreams.blogspot.com