
Hidden among the statistics released by CCK is the state of Posta Kenya.

Yet despite the dire straits the state corporation seems to be in it still could reinvent itself. Posta is in dire need of re-inventing itself ala Deutsche Post which reverse took-over DHL and benefited from its logistics and savvy managerial skills. Is the semi-privatization of Posta Kenya imminent? Is it the only thing that can save it? Should the Government/Posta seriously look at this option? I dare say we must move poste haste (pun intended) or be confined to the fate of the US Postal Service which seems incapable of getting out of its morose state.

The article below Wikipedia gives a good background to the Deutsche Post story.

Ali Hussein
CEO | 3mice interactive media Ltd
Principal | Telemedia Africa Ltd

+254 713 601113

"The future belongs to him who knows how to wait." - Russian Proverb

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