Greetings listers, It looks like WhatsApp privacy updates are still with us, just postponed till 15th May. Check these links out: - WhatsApp to switch off messages for all who reject new terms : - WhatsApp to move ahead with privacy update despite backlash: // <> KICTANet in partnership with FB will hold a webinar *Tuesday on March 2nd, from 11am to 12.30* noon. The FB team will respond to questions that were raised earlier on this list, and new ones that may arise as a result of these new updates. We therefore invite you to ask your questions here starting tomorrow Tuesday February 23, 2020 to Thursday February 25, 2020. The questions will be curated and the FB team will respond to them during the webinar on Tuesday. Here are a few questions to guide our discussions: 1. 1. What trends are these updates going to set? 2. These updates only apply in Europe because of the GDPR, yet our own data protection Act mirrors these regulations. What can we make of this? 3. What are the implications of the privacy updates on harvesting the data and metadata for advertisement? The floor is open! -- Best regards. Liz. PGP ID: 0x1F3488BF