
Might be of interest. We hope once our new parliament is settled. We will take our seat on the table.

Best Regards

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Anja Gengo <>
Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 3:45 PM
Subject: [NRIs List] Now Available: Outcome of African Parliamentary Digital Policy Symposium!
To: <>

Dear All,


Last week, 30 parliamentarians from 20 African countries participated in a Digital Policy Symposium co-organized by the Secretariat at the African IGF.


You can now read the Key Takeaways from those discussions, which cover a number of critical digital issues for the region, including:


  • Legislation for an unfragmented Internet
  • Achieving sustainable digital development
  • Data governance frameworks
  • Strengthening digital economies


We invite you to explore the African parliamentary Takeaways in full, and encourage you to share these far and wide within your networks!


Best regards,

IGF Secretariat



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