... and what wood the poles were made of. I think that's important.

Yes to more information on Malili. I'm particularly interested in the detailed plans and the financing.

In other and entirely unrelated matters, and because it's Friday, did you know that the internet is made of cats?

Have a lovely weekend!

On 16 April 2010 14:56, <ikua@lpakenya.org> wrote:
I think we are getting a bit lost on this debate on Malili.
As far as management goes, there are the strategic issues, the tactical issues and the procedural issues. If we look out for every little matter of procedure that is being done, then we lose the big picture.
This forum would do well to discuss the strategic issues that the Government gets into, and sometimes the tactical ones. otherwise we will soon be wanting to find out what was the gauge of the wire that was used to fence, and how many metres apart the poles were.
It would be good to have a rough idea of the kind of infrastructure the government intends to put up there. Some investors would actually want this info so that they can be planning on how to take advantage of the opportunities that will arise.

Quoting bitange@jambo.co.ke:

Mr. Kwach,
The Government has no problem with its neighbours in Malili.  Indeed  every local person supports this National project.  It is not for  Wakambas only.  However, the peasants who owned the land where the  park is to be built have a problem with the directors on the sharing  of the money.  They have taken the matter to court.  You recall we  discussed this matter and had it settled at a town hall meeting.  I  shall be wasting public resources if I kept on responding to issues  that have been dealt with.

On fencing.  At the height of Government land grabbing and  encroachment.  There was a policy to fence Government land.  It will  not take too long before you see squarters on Malili if we do not  manage it well.  Those who will invade may not be aware of GPS or  any technology.  Fencing or no fencing, I am between two rocks.  Any  decision can be criticised.  We have chosen to fence.  As always I  take full responsibility.

Knowing this country the way I understand it, I shall be proven right.


Sent from my BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: "Akich Kwach" <kwach@archway-productions.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 11:25:43
To: <bitange@jambo.co.ke>
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions<kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke>
Subject: Re: [kictanet] FYI - Malili to be fenced

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