Apple: Designed in California, Built in China

Kenya can follow either path but innovation/prototyping have almost nothing to do with mass production when it comes to the tech industry.  That's why it's mind numbing to hear all this talk of creating thousands of jobs through manufacturing.

Kenya is in a position to follow California with high value innovation careers but instead the government appears to be focused on following China with low-value mass labor.

The irony is that the low-value mass labor of electronics production in Asia is already being displaced by robots so by the time the infrastructure is here, the industry will have already moved on beyond mass labor anyway.

Kili - Cloud for Africa:
More Musings:

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 1:20 AM, Philip Adar <> wrote:

I am not sure if the attached statistics report is accurate, but it seems no new patents are coming up anywhere in Africa apart from South Africa? 

One would wonder, are we building technology parks so that we can start inventing or should it be the inventions that should drive the development of technology parks?  


Philip Adar

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