@ Liko,

As VP put it rightly at the launch...we need more "crazy" Dr Ndemos to make things happen...therefore, as a Nairobi Tech Hustler, I shall take me to Konza and Hustle there 'till I make it...this is a good project and we should be  proud that it is now on course...of course criticism is healthy and must be tolerated in a democracy - and I am sure the many critics within and without this forum did +vely influence the approach of this project over the years

Therefore, Kudos to Dr. Ndemo and your team  for a job well done thus far


----- Original Message -----
From: jwalu@yahoo.com
To: eonchari@lynxbits.com
Sent: 1/23/13 10:30 AM


You/Pesapal is a big player...and you should be there hustling with the big boys at Konza Technopolis. Dream big, and you will be surprised how soon your dreams come true.

For me, Konza is an example of what we as a country are capable of. A break from the past, where we compared ourselves to our neighbours (e.g Somalia with apologies) and a leap into comparing ourselves with where we belong (read Malaysia, Singapore et. al.)

Lets aim for the Sun, because the worst that can happen is that we land on the moon.  Rather than aim for the main, and by 2030, we shall still be here on earth :-)

From: Agosta Liko
To: jwalu@yahoo.com
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 3:36 PM

Mr Nduati

Raising concerns and shaping decisions does not make one a doubting Thomas

but the, this thing is for HP, Oracle, Microsoft ... not Nairobi Hustle Tech


On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 3:49 PM, charles nduati <charlesnduati2002@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Daktari Ndemo and Your team,

Congratulations on the ground breaking ceremony tomorrow. I wonder where the doubting Thomases are. Have a great day and let us know where the party will be thereafter

Kudos all

Charles Nduati

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