@ Liko,
As VP put it rightly at the launch...we need more "crazy" Dr Ndemos to make things happen...therefore, as a Nairobi Tech Hustler, I shall take me to Konza and Hustle there 'till I make it...this is a good project and we should be proud that it is now on course...of course criticism is healthy and must be tolerated in a democracy - and I am sure the many critics within and without this forum did +vely influence the approach of this project over the years
Therefore, Kudos to Dr. Ndemo and your team for a job well done thus far
----- Original Message -----
Hi Daktari Ndemo and Your team,
Congratulations on the ground breaking ceremony tomorrow. I wonder where the doubting Thomases are. Have a great day and let us know where the party will be thereafter
Kudos all
Charles Nduati
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