Walu , Andrea
I have not seen the papers though not in lokichogio but from
what you have said, what is at stake for the nation and industry is
COMPETITION PROCESS and not and should not be a competitor . You also need to review
restrictive trade practices Act which is a superior law than regulations
You also need to wonder if ICT Tribunal still exists
and whether the operators can not move the Tribunal to their
[mailto:kictanet-bounces+mureithi=summitstrategies.co.ke@lists.kictanet.or.ke] On
Behalf Of Andrea Bohnstedt
Sent: 04 May 2010 10:34
To: mureithi@summitstrategies.co.ke
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions; ke-users
Subject: Re: [kictanet] CCK vs Safaricom?- and now Safcom vs the Rest?
I'd like to see the text, too.
Dr Ndemo, could you or one of your colleagues email round a pdf with the
regulations, please? Easier and a bit nicer on the environment than all of us
running downtown to buy paper copies.
Thanks, Andrea
On 4 May 2010 09:32, Walubengo J <jwalu@yahoo.com> wrote:
the drama continues,
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