This debate is so personalised that I can't help to wonder where the 'policy advocacy' aspect of kictanet forum is! By focusing on MJ and not Safaricom you make him more powerful! Yet he is just the CEO and for now its spokesperson. We shall do well , very well when we stop being so emotional and personal on matters of ICT at whatever level. Any other way leaves Desai and sour, may be even bad taste in the mouths of those we appeal to do xyz for the industry. Their(michael and others in similar positions of economic influence) first priority is to their shareholders; Recall the way Wako arrogantly but correctly advised parliament on the Ringera issue? That they can only request or express opinions and hope they will be considered by law interpreters(courts). Tough pill to swallow on an issue such the Ringera one but wako says only the court can interpret law. In the case of this forum, we should consider putting across our policy requests, opinions, views, suggestions in sober, objective and above board manner! Any other way will yield nothing, unless you take off from internet to the streets to protest or get commissions to be appointed to make recommendations (at your tax cost) which may never be implemented any way. Ek Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Zain Kenya -----Original Message----- From: Onyango Hatari <> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 00:44:03 To: <> Cc: Skunkworks forum<>; ke-users<>; <> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Kenya: Consumers furious over high internet prices _______________________________________________ kictanet mailing list This message was sent to: Unsubscribe or change your options at