We as Network of Young Women Leaders will be happy to represent, together with UN Women 'He for She' program and Kenyatta University Gender Institute coordinators, we are involved in a joint GbV sensitization program. Please confirm Ebele, can't see Akua's email copied. Best regards, IDA www.about.me/ida.mentor On 17 Dec 2015 21:18, "Ebele Okobi via kictanet" < kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
Dear All- Facebook is hosting a roundtable to discuss the issue of online violence against women and our platforms, in Nairobi, likely in February. This is mostly about learning from key women’s rights orgs and others with a clear view on the scope of the issue and with ideas for how to address it. We’ll also talk about some of the things we are doing already, with the view to learning how to do better. It will be hosted in Nairobi, but it’s meant to be a regional conversation, so we plan to fly in important voices from across sub-Saharan Africa. We’d be grateful for recommendations on excellent people to include. We want to keep it small enough to have a meaningful conversation, so we are thinking about 30 people total. Recommendations? You can reply on this list, or directly to Akua, who is cc’ed.
Best, Ebele
[image: Description: Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01C8F888.8FCCE630]
Ebele Okobi | Head of Public Policy, Africa
m. +44 (0) 771 156 1315
2 Stephen St | London | W1T 1AN
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