What you are advocating is to punish Safaricom for out innovating the competition. What should they do? Pussyfoot around them? Let's be honest. Business is war. And anyone who thinks otherwise has not been in the trenches. Safaricom was not born dominant. And I dare say it won't remain dominant. I'm all for the policy to enforce interoperability which will take care of the 'noise' from vanquished competitors.
My other point is that the regulatory environment needs to take into consideration the global environment. Mpesa must be allowed space to grow beyond Kenya. Mpesa here means any Kenyan product. We must emulate Japan & other Asian Giants. Policy and regulation must as a matter of course favor local companies. I make no apologies for this last point - Free markets are a dream perpetuated by foreign interests with the end game of dominance.
Twitter: @AliHKassim
Skype: abu-jomo
LinkedIn: http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim
Blog: www.alyhussein.comAs Bob Collymore aptly put it - Being dominant is not a crime.But using you dominance to stifle competition and innovation is, which is the point that is being made.