Just to quote from PS. Ndemo's speech during the EA-IGF: * "Our regulatory authorities must therefore ensure that process to accessing broadband are similar and affordable across the region to allow access to the internet for all our people" "Internet is about enabling access to the world's information and knowledge of the world's information, in all its languages" "...localise the internet to preserve our cultures and knowledge, and to share our knowledge with the rest of the world..." *In my thinking, if the content is locally developed, for the local markets, then the regulators, in this case, CCK, will have to formulate some policies which are based on the existing trends so as not to alienate the communities from accessing the internet, and allowing more entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas. At times, we find the local entrepreneurs shying away from competing with existing, mostly international businesses, because there is no specific law protecting them, thus leading to unfair competition. May be the CCK consultations and regulations, will help in creating an avenue for protecting local commercial web portals/ entrepreneurs from this exploitation. PS: If I'm out of context, in regards to this thread... apologies! My views! * * 2009/9/21 Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack@gmail.com>
Thanks Bw Ndemo, we appreciate your proactive leadership and inspiration as demostrated by the response, Aki, that was an important question and we got the answers from the right quarters
On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 8:34 AM, <bitange@jambo.co.ke> wrote:
Barrack, Informal enterprise means outside of formal legal framework of enterprise. The standard threshold for moving from informality into legal small enterprise is at 5 million in sales (KRA threshold for paying taxes). Let us not use the absence of law for not advancing our entrepreneurialism. We must constantly pursue enterprise as long as we are within our moral values. If we wake up every morning to check the legality of our actions, we may never develop. Laws are simply guidelines. What matters most is our intentions and and the values that we embrace.
It is for exaple illegal to carry a rungu or panga in Kenya since the British outlawed these as offensive weapons but the Masai indeed carry these tools and it. Is perfectly correct within their cultural values. At some point we should correct such mischivious laws as well as the ones that would impede enterprise growth. As for CCK it must work within the legal framework to avoid creating too many loopholes.
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-----Original Message----- From: Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack@gmail.com> Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 20:59:26 To: <bitange@jambo.co.ke> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions<kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> Subject: [kictanet] Fwd: [Skunkworks] Do commercial web portals and sites fall into Content Service Provider category?
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