Lucy Good suggestion. I can see that your activist self still burns with fire. Yes, I would like to be involved in action that would help this situation. We need a degree of consensus (a) the needed action as this would be a KICTANET (or at least a good cross section of its members) position and (b) the process for that action. From your note, I get the sense that you are proposing a paid ad/announcement in the paper; words (crafting the opinion once we have the facts) are the easier option. We need enough people to support this both in word and action (payment for the ad). I am wondering how many people are in support of this. NB: Dr Ndemo has indicated that the procurement law may be the issue. That is correct. I also know that unchallenges untruths become "truth", which is what the paid announcement would counter. Over to you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matunda Nyanchama, PhD, CISSP; mnyanchama@aganoconsulting.com Agano Consulting Inc.; www.aganoconsulting.com; Twitter: nmatunda; Skype: okiambe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be prepared for ICT security failures & know how to respond when they happen! Call: +1-888-587-1150 or info@aganoconsulting.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The best revenge is massive success" - Frank Sinatra----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail, including attachments, may be privileged and may contain confidential or proprietary information intended only for the addressee(s). Any other distribution, copying, use, or disclosure is unauthorized and strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and permanently delete the message, including any attachments, without making a copy. Thank you.