Walu will use his mpesa - it will go to the school bank account.

He will get proof of payment at PesaPal.com (receipt) and we store it for 7 years

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Tony Likhanga <tlikhanga@gmail.com> wrote:
My summary will then be :

Walu, the buyer,  is questioning the relevance of  a solution that addresses Kioko's (the seller's) needs.

Luckily, with this solution in place, Walu and Kioko will still transact with each other while:
 - Allowing Walu to stick to his beloved 'M-PESA' mode of payment
 - Making it convenient for Kioko to easily reconcile  all his sales irrespective of what diverse modes of payment were used.


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