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Ayden Férdeline <ayden@ferdeline.com>Date: Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 5:32 PM
Subject: [Internet Policy] Interesting ICANN Discussion Paper on Efficient and Effective Policy Development
Dear all,
In January, ICANN policy development staff begun circulating
this discussion paper [PDF] on how to best leverage volunteers to produce
high-quality policy outcomes.
In it, it flagged some issues with the
multistakeholder model with which ICANN’s Generic Names Supporting Organization
(GNSO) currently develops gTLD policy. There are concerns that the multistakeholder
model does not scale and that project milestones are not being achieved as a
The paper says there have been a number of challenges encountered in working
groups. Key among the challenges are increasing participant and observer
numbers, divergent motivations and desired outcomes, and difficulties in
reaching consensus. Even where consensus is reached, there is a perception that
it can sometimes be reached through exhaustion (and as a result may hold no
long-term legitimacy).
To quote from the paper, “Without properly addressing challenges
faced in implementing the current volunteer model, there is a risk of strain on
staffing resources, logistical problems, climbing costs, and attrition by core
community members. These issues could result in stagnation of policy and advice
development activities. At stake is the credibility and legitimacy of the ICANN
global multistakeholder model, especially as ICANN faces greater scrutiny
following the IANA-transition.”
Over the past two months, in Los Angeles and in San Juan,
the GNSO Council, as manager of the gTLD policy development process, has had
discussions around how it can and should act in addressing challenges if/when
these occur. The GNSO Council has subsequently agreed to develop a white
paper-type proposal setting out possible changes to the policy development
process to address the specific challenges encountered.
ICANN has also published a video this week discussing the path ahead for what has been termed "Policy Development Process 3.0" -
I am sharing this for information purposes
only; it might be of interest to those who believe multistakeholder governance models are either broken or have muscle. Add this one to the document repository for the former…
Best wishes,
Ayden Férdeline
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