Bob, I have always maintained that *content* should dictate hosting location, ie. sites whose target audience is within Kenya should be hosted in Kenya, whatever the domain TLD might be. Conversely, where the target audience is elsewhere (for example, a safari website) even a site should be hosted externally. This minimises 'internet miles' (my new term, borrowed from 'food miles' - Orange's decision seems misplaced. Tony On 15 April 2013 09:30, robert yawe <> wrote:
Just in case there are people as crazy as me to have hosted their domains with orange please note that they will not be renewing hosting for any domains that are not .ke.
It is not life threatening as Safaricom and GoDaddy still do but doesn't this go against the objective of keeping local content local?
What is the take on this by the Government of Kenya and the CCK?
PS. Just in-case I am missing a point here can somebody explain to me what the difference is between hosting a .ke or .com domain.
Robert Yawe KAY System Technologies Ltd Phoenix House, 6th Floor P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200 Kenya
Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696
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