I believe PDNO's are here with us on the list, and I suppose time is nigh to hold a healthy discourse going forward that's geared at among other things expeditiously and judiciously bringing down the last mile loop/p2p costs.It's been a misnomer that bringing down internet costs focuses only on externally hosted content, and this needs to be revisited now if we truly want to localize content that's truly local and which in essence should be hosted locally in the first place.
On the plus side for the data network providers, they should see an uptick in consumer data services uptake as a natural consequence for taking such a step in this brilliantly right direction, while at the same time putting to productive use such an enormous idle capacity that's presently going to waste.
This should also spur local content development/consumption,increased innovation thereby creating the much needed job opportunities especially in the startups sector.
Hope someone out there is listening..!