That phrase is attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette, of France, and she was eventually executed by the guillotine.

On 4 December 2012 16:18, meshack emakunat <> wrote:

Really! !!!
It isn't right to impose laws upon the people of the country. I don't really like the way we are heading. I remember of a story but can't remember from where. It was about a nation that was so divided btwn the haves
And the have nots. A poor man approached the premier and said "we have not had bread for breakfast. The premier said aaaahh! Why wouldn't u have cakes then." We should try find otheer ways of implementing policies rather than imposing them on the people.
There was a bill that seeks to alow ourr sons and daughter to marry after 6months
Then the draconian law that limit the poor and support the haves
(Traffic rules) .
now this ...
I once tried painting my dog white! ! We should remember that Kenyans are not made in Hollywood
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