Dr Waudo, you are correct in that assertion, but just partially. Remember the IFMIS system "hacking" that happened a year ago? A very highly placed person made allegations that systems were compromised, etc.

Some years back, the Minister of Finance claimed of a "software bug" that inserted a typing error into his budget figures. There was also such reports from KNEC on "software bugs".

If you are an ICT expert, you would always be able to read in between the line. And that is where ICT AUDITORS need to curve their niche. Not just cross over auditors, but ICT pros.


On Apr 27, 2016 6:40 PM, "waudo siganga" <emailsignet@mailcan.com> wrote:
Hi Kivuva,
My understanding, although of course open to correction, is that IT Systems Auditors are essentially certified auditors with specialist training and skills to audit "through" and "around" IT systems. I would envisage someone with an auditing qualification backed up with a supplementary qualification is systems auditing but at the end of the day this person is an AUDITOR. In addition the training for today's certified auditors already includes systems audit as a subject. So the key skill is auditing, supplemented by systems knowledge. If this is the case then these professionals are already covered under statutory provisions.
On Wed, Apr 27, 2016, at 04:25 PM, Mwendwa Kivuva via kictanet wrote:
On 27 April 2016 at 16:12, Paul Roy <roykoikai@gmail.com> wrote:
Last - As long as I am a the helm of ISACA Kenya, I would like to open up our doors to the various experts within the industry who are willing to retrain IT auditors, IT Security professionals to consider ISACA as an ally. Let us work together, talk to me, come for one of the evening talks and let us grow and strengthen the profession. 

Hi Paul,
Thanks for the elaborate reply. 
My main concern is if it's legislated that people with valid IT Systems Audit certifications are the only ones doing IT audits for public interest organisations. The way only Lawyers can only do certain duties, or CPAs. Is this something feasible?
Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi, Kenya

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