The First Kenya Telecentre Network workshop takes place from 21-23rd February, 2007 at Busia Trailer Inn Hotel in western Kenya. The workshop is being facilitated jointly by Ugunja Community Resource Centre (, a rural based resource centre in Siaya district, Kenya Telecentre Network and Ugabytes Initiative ( . Ugabytes initiative based in Uganda is the telecentre network support organization in East and Central Africa. It is affiliated to the international network support organization a project of IDRC based in Canada. The theme of the workshop is using telecentres to bridge the digital divide between rural and urban communities in Kenya. The workshop has received substantive support from other organizations mainly from Microsoft International
which has expressed interest in empowering rural communities with ICTs using telecentres as access points to disadvantaged communities in Kenya. The workshop will be a follow up of East Africa and Africa Leaders Telecentre forums held in Uganda (October,2006) and Benin (November) respectively. Among deliberations expected will be on internet connectivity and ISPs in rural areas, sustainability and management of telecentres, women,youth and ICTs,ICT policy and government involvement etc. Participants will be drawn from various models of telecentres (resource and information centres) based in rural and slum communities across the country .