Robert, The author did not do a good job since the issues did not come out clear. We have already covered 37 counties with the existing NOFBI network. Our priority now is a robust last mile solution on an open access platform. This is not compromising existing providers but opening up the market. If funds are available, we may take fibre to the remaining 10 counties. The open access concept is proving to be extremely critical in addressing the pricing of Broadband. It has created efficiencies in Government by sharing the infrastructure and optimizing resource utilization. Previously we had several networks, that is, Immigration, Education, Finance, Police, Prisons etc. Most Minisries want to access their field offices and the infrastructure is key. I hope this helps in clarifying what the author wanted to communicate. Regards Ndemo.
With reference to an article carried in the Business Daily of 19th Aug, 2011 on the 5.6B government funded fibre to 37 counties is there a strategy for making sure that the counties implement technology solutions from the onset?
The article seems to also imply that this action by the government will result in direct competition for the other providers yet on this forum we where told that the government together with the internet providers where already in discussion about how they would share NOFBI. Is this new initiative part of NOFBI and therefore will be subject to the continuing discussions or is it separate?
I also noted during the UON exhibition and conference on architecture and urbanisation that the ministry of public works are working on a prototype county headquarters design including the county assembly meeting areas.
How can we as the ICT fraternity make ourselves relevant in making sure that the technology component is incorporated so as to increase the effectiveness of the county governments? I see great opportunities in developing applications for electronic voting, attendance records, electronic discussion records and streaming sites of live debate.
We have an opportunity to develop applications that can be tested in the 47 counties in readiness for roll out to the region as they all rush to replicate the Kenyan model.
Regards Robert Yawe KAY System Technologies Ltd Phoenix House, 6th Floor P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200 Kenya
Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696
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