I came across the post below on one of the online forums, if it is true then isn't someone being conservative with the truth when they say Huawei will be moving into Konza?
"...I attended the conference held at Lyco Regency 3/4 weeks ago. Ndemo
stated that the Chinese had approached Konza but their request denied
so they bought neigbouring land and are in the process of developing
something major. He said the prefered the World bank/Western countries
since they worked as a team with many countries involved unlike the
AAK also asked why no local architects. Ndemo said it
was coz of cost. AAK Sec Gen said that local architects were willing to
participate pro bono. He agreed to have 2[man& woman] included in
Konza team pro bono."
On the last point, might CCK have also been appreciated about nominating technology experts to the board or this was not necessary as their will be no real technology at this infrastructure stage?
Robert Yawe
KAY System Technologies Ltd
Phoenix House, 6th Floor
P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200
Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696
From: Grace Githaiga <ggithaiga@hotmail.com>
To: robertyawe@yahoo.co.uk
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
Sent: Tuesday, 15 January 2013, 14:18
Subject: [kictanet] Poghisio appoints Konza City board members
IN SUMMARY- The minister has appointed four directors — Haron Nyakundi (building economist), Reuben Mutiso (architect), Emma Miloyo (architect) and Rosemary Maundu — in the board that will be chaired by investment banker John Ngumi.
- The appointment of the board sets the stage for hiring of CEO and executive team of the Konza Technopolis.
- President Kibaki will preside over the ICT city's ground breaking
on January 23
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