You bring to light very pertinent issues. I remember reading a case between two British Airline Companies where one company (took inappropriately (know what i mean)) the competitors customer data which i presume was stored in a database somewhere and gave the clients a counter offer. The case was of course settled by the courts with a Tidy sum of money as a lesson to many others with similar motives, this lends credence to your call for the data protection act.
Thank you
Very good points however one puts this down to the chicken or egg syndrome
The pace of technology and the possibilities one can do with data are so vast but also change at such a rate that by the time legislation is through there exists a totally new exploit.
Our biggest challenge after the technology is Appropriate timely legislation
Sent from myŽ smartphone
-----Original Message-----
From: Walubengo J <jwalu@yahoo.com>
Sender: kictanet-bounces+ntegeb=one2net.co.ug@lists.kictanet.or.ke
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 01:49:27
To: <ntegeb@one2net.co.ug>
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions<kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke>
Subject: Re: [kictanet] Kenya IGF 2010, Discussions :Day 7 of 8 Theme:E-Crime,
Online Privacy & Data Security- Continuation
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