1 - IDC measures broadband connections as those with a speed of at least 256kbps (ideally it should be 512kbps).

2 - In Kenya, total broadband penetration (excluding mobile broadband which we presently do not count - but will from 2011) as of end 2009 stood at 0.15%.   A really large chunk of this comprises business BB connections.

3 - Presently Mobile BB may not really ramp up the figures (at least not more than a quarter of a percentage point i.e. 0.25% ) much since;
a) the devices (USB Modems/Smartphones) that allow speeds of >256kbps are not that many (and we will soon be tracking these as well), 
b) The present coverage of 3G also distorts the true measure of MOBILE broadband



On 5 December 2010 19:56, <pkukubo@ict.go.ke> wrote:
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Zain Kenya

-----Original Message-----
From: Lucy Kimani <lkimani@yahoo.com>
Sender: kictanet-bounces+pkukubo=ict.go.ke@lists.kictanet.or.keDate: Sun, 5 Dec 2010 07:05:31
To: <pkukubo@ict.go.ke>
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Subject: Re: [kictanet] The Cables and more...

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