what I meant to say, is that not everyone uses the internet. Road, yes everyone uses the roads at some point in time - to go to work, the market, hospital, travel etc. So its not quite a like for like comparison. A closer comparison would be smokers and smoking. Few do it, but it affects everyone and tolerance of smoking should not be foisted on everyone if only to uphold the smokers' "rights". So in that sense, ban smoking in public places - simple. On 5 December 2012 12:42, Dennis Kioko <dmbuvi@gmail.com> wrote:
Do we shut down roads when accidents kill a few thousand?
Why should media and Internet be shut down for the actions of an irresponsible few. Incitement does not happen overnight, even when perpetuated by government itself as has been the case in history.
It takes weeks of planning and coordination to organise mass violence, and there is usually signs of such in the ground. Otherwise, government should disband NSIS if they are failing in their role.
-- Francis Hook +254 733 504561