22 Aug
22 Aug
3:17 p.m.
Are there any sites that will stream to Kenya legally? iTunes, Spotify, rd.io, Pandora, none of them will stream here. I presume it's because Kenya is not part of any international IP agreements but I was wondering if there is a legitimate solution. https://www.spotify.com/int/select-your-country/ http://www.rdio.com/availability/ http://support.apple.com/kb/ts3599 Is this something that people should be agitating for with GoK or with the companies? Otherwise, I guess it's strongvpn.com ... Cheers, Adam -- Kili.io - OpenStack for Africa: kili.io Musings: twitter.com/varud <https://twitter.com/varud> About Adam: www.linkedin.com/in/adamcnelson