Poverty affects us all ‘Today is the UN’s official World Poverty Day. But every day is poverty day for the two billion people worldwide who have less than two dollars a day to live on. Of those, just under one billion live on just one dollar a day. In September 2000, 189 countries pledged to halve the number of those in poverty by 2015. When we look at the results so far, hope mixes with despair. Over 100 million children are still unable to go to school. Each year, 10 million children die before their 5th birthday. 40 million are living with HIV and AIDS, and 5 million die of it each year.’17th Oct 2004 Hilary Today, nearly half of the world’s people live in poverty, 70% are women. 50,000 people still die daily as a result of extreme poverty, and yet …..we have the power to change this. www.standagainstpoverty.org
As the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty unfolds across the world we’re hoping to mobilize 1% of the global population - over 67 million people around the world to STAND UP and TAKE ACTION [17th - 19th Oct] against Poverty for the MDGs. Your actions count! 1. Tell your MP what you think: send SMS messages to the number 3454 with the word STAND UP. 2. Attend Global Gatherings: a series of parallel IYPF events held in over 30 different countries focused on mobilizing and engaging young professionals in activities and processes that are holding governments and leaders accountable and contributing to the achievement of the MDGs. www.iypf.org 3. Join Virtual Stand Up: log in from October 17th to 19th and interact with the world on MDGs; build a more peaceful, equitable and sustainable world. Facebook IYPF StandUp Global Gathering www.iypf.org
We have the power and an obligation to make ICTs work for development! STAND UP NOW, TAKE ACTION TODAY, Make Poverty History! Constance Director, Chair FWG International Young Professionals Foundation Wainaina P. Mungai Make in StandUp is an initiative of the Make Poverty History and Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) campaigns. IYPF is a GCAP Global Mobilization Partner. www.makepovertyhistory.org |