Solid reposte Bill. I love your spirit and passion :-)

Please do not be afraid to read through the archives. I have also awed the secretariat to prepare a report which compiles most of these issues for review in the upcoming public forum.

We are currently considering dates, how is first week of August everyone?



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On 14 Jul 2008, at 11:55 AM, "Bill Kagai" <> wrote:

I rest my case. I was actually thinking that I was being helpful. Referring me to archives does not prove that Kictanet indeed is run democratically and that all members are eligible to hold positions in the organisation. We have never held elections in Kictanet.

CSK lost its credibility because of the same issues we are facing here...and was hoping and (still is) hoping that kictanet does not go the same way. We have to stop being afraid of elections and run transparent structures or just let us know that we are only needed in the periphery participating in discussions in public organisations whose management is private.

I want to see Brian seat there as Chairman of Kictanet for 1 or 2 years after beating me in an AGM by 30 to 25 votes knowing that I can challenge his leadership by selling my vision to members/voters of Kictanet in the next AGM. Come On!!!

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Brian Longwe <> wrote:
Dear Bill,

You seem to have selective memory. Since mid-2006 there have been meetings, email, and various documents circulated publicly and on this list regarding KICTANETs registration as a Trust. A group of founding Trustees was nominated, and these form the Governing Council of which I am Chair.

Many of the meetings had representatives from KIF/CSK/KEPSA and many other organisations as well as interested individuals.

In case you missed some of this communication, please refer to the KICTANET list archives via the web interface at:



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